
  • Before you can achieve a muscle-up on a straight bar, you must be able to comfortably perform pull-ups and dips on one
  • Start by loosening your shoulders up.
  • Wearing gloves might give you a better grip and help in preventing blisters from appearing.
  • if the bar is higher then you can reach, then jump just enough so that your palms can grab onto the bar
  • Grab the bar with both hands, about twice shoulder-width apart (if the bar is higher then you can reach, then jump just enough so that your palms can grab onto the bar)
  • When performing abdominal crunches, proper form is extremely important in the prevention of injury and in ensuring you get the most out of the exercise. To avoid straining your neck, do not bend your neck or pull your head with your hands as you curl up.
  • Your body will start to swing back and forth slightly. As your body swings backward, pull your body up like you would a traditional pull-up..
  • Next, as you pull yourself upward, bring your chest forward so that you're body is in a dip position. Push up with your triceps, just like you would in dip.
  • Reverse the movement and lower your body down so that you are hanging down from the bar. Repeat as necessary.
    • Don't attempt this if you have any prior shoulder injuries.