
  • Beginner's Tip:
    • If you're not yet able to accomplish full Padmasana, it's possible to get a feel for Tolasana using Ardha Padmasana (Half-Lotus Pose). In Half-Lotus, perform the pose as described in Steps 2 and 3 above. With this leg position, the buttocks will lift off the floor, but the outer calf and foot of the bottom leg won't.
  • Modifications and props:
    • With the hands on the floor, it's often difficult to lift the legs away from the floor. Use a block under each hand to increase the length of the arms and assist the lift of the legs.
  • Deepen the pose:
    • To assist with the lift of the torso and legs, draw your inner groins up into the core of your torso, along the front of the spine.
  • Info
    • tola = literally "poising one's self"; usually rendered as "balance" or "scale".
  • Benefits:
    • Strengthens the wrists, arms, and abdomen.
  • Therapeutic Applications:
    • Stress.
  • Contraindications and Cautions:
    • Avoid this pose with any shoulder or wrist injuries. .
    • Tolasana also has many contraindications in common with Padmasana .
    • Ankle injury .
    • Knee injury
    • Tight hips or thighs .