Leg Curl  
  • Targeted Muscles:
    • Hamstring
  • Additional Muscles:
    • Buttocks (gluteus maximus)
  • You can use a seated leg curl machine, which offers additional support and protection for your back. Sit on the seated leg curl machine with the back of your ankles resting on the foot pad. Secure the thigh pad across your thighs and grasp the handles on the pad to prevent your hips and lower back from lifting. Bring your heels toward your buttocks and then return to the starting positions.
  • To prevent your stronger leg from compensating for your weaker leg when you perform leg curls, you can perform the exercise using one leg at a time. Perform the exercise the same way you would if you were using both legs, except leave one of your legs straight as you work the other leg for an entire set. You will need to reduce the weight you use when working one leg at a time.
  • Using the leg curl machine is a popular way to work your hamstrings. While primarily strengthening your hamstrings, this machine also builds strength in your calves and buttocks.
  • Many people focus on building up their quadriceps and place less emphasis on their hamstrings. Working your hamstrings using the leg curl machine can improve the shape of your legs by giving your quadriceps and hamstrings a more balanced appearance.
  • Try to keep the movement in the exercise smooth and continuous, making sure the weights do not slam down between the repetitions. You should also keep your hips on the pad while performing this exercise. If your hips lift off the pad, your hamstrings will not work as hard and you may put stress on your lower back. It is also important that you do not lock your knees when you bring your legs back to the starting position.
  • Take extra caution using the leg curl machine if you have or previously had a knee injury or lower back problems.
  • Do not arch your back or lift your hips to help you lift the weight since this puts stress on your lower back.
  • Do not lift your head off the pad.
  • Do not lock your knees.
  • Do not jerk your legs up or quickly release the weight. Make sure you maintain a constant motion during the entire exercise.
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