Ball Pass

  • Targeted Muscles:
    • Side Abdominal Muscles (internal and external obliques)
  • Additional Muscles:
    • Deep Abdominal Muscles (transverse abdominis)
  • To make the Ball Pass harder, you can use weights or circular weights which will work your upper body as well as the abs.
  • Ball pass should ideally be done with a partner closer to your height to avoid bending.
  • Ball pass is a fun way to do the Twist exercise with a partner. Ball Pass helps shape your side abdominal muscles, but also works your deep abdominal muscles and your lower back.
  • Stand with a partner with your backs touching. Pass a ball (basket ball or a football) from one side to your partner. The partner receives the ball and passes the ball back from the other side.
  • Do not pass the ball merely by moving the hands. The whole top body must turn to make the pass or receive the pass.
  • Keep your back straight, do not lean front or back.
  • Do not jerk the sideways twisting movements.