Butterfly Chest Flies

  • Targeted Muscles:
    • Chest (pectoralis major and minor)
  • Additional Muscles:
    • Front shoulders (anterior deltoids)
    • Biceps
  • To avoid shoulder injury, you should ensure that your elbows are in line with your shoulders at the start and end of each repetition. Some pec fly machines have handles you can adjust to make sure you do not bring your arms too far back. If the machine you are using does not have adjustable handles, you should begin the exercise by turning your body to one side at a time to bring each handle to the proper starting position.
  • You van use the pec deck machine to make this exercise easier by bringing your arms closer to your body. This machine is similar to the pec fly machine, except your forearms rest against pads and your elbows are bent at 90-degree angles. Be sure to watch your form carefully because it is very easy to cheat when using the pec deck machine.
  • Arnold Press, named after Arnold Schwarzenegger – originator of this exercise, is a good exercise for complete shoulder workout and has similarity to the other press exercises.
  • Initiate movement by bringing elbows out to sides. Continue to raise elbows outward while pressing dumbbells overhead until arms are straight. Lower to front of shoulders in opposite pattern and repeat.
  • Movement should emphasize shoulder abduction while minimizing forearm pronation as this exercise attempts to combine lateral raise like motion with shoulder press. Lean forward slightly when lifting Dumbbells.
  • Do not bring your arms too far back since this can injure your shoulders.
  • Do not arch your back or lift your upper body or head off the back pad.
  • Do not bend your wrists or shrug your shoulders.