
    A body warm up is compulsory or necessary before starting Yog Asanas. The body warmup should be done in following sequence.

  • Do step jumping at the same place by lifting one foot at a time starting from left foot. Do it 5 times on each foot
  • Rotate both hands from shoulder, making a big circle clockwise and then anti clock wise. Each 5 times.
  • Rotate one hand from shoulder in clock wise and then anti clock wise, each 5 times. Do left and right hand rotation one by one.
  • Rotate both shoulders. Fold both hands and keep the fingers on shoulders. Rotate in clockwise and anticlockwise 5 times each
  • Rotate body from waist. Keep hands on waist and rotate body from waist in one direction and then opposite direction. Each 5 times
  • Rotate wrists. Stretch both hands in front fully. rotate both wrists clock wise and anti clock wise each 5 times.
  • Rotate neck, slowly, clock wise and anticlock wise 5 times each.
  • Any other warm exercise can be included if desired like jumping etc.
  • After body warm up exercises, Yog asana should be started 1st in standing position.Viz Tadasan and Trikonasan. Once the standing asanas are completed, then take hands on back and clasp them. Holding hand bend forward from waist. Thos who have back pain, should not do this in the starting when pain is there. Then iit can be resumed, after pain subsides.
  • Next set of asanas should be done in sitting posture. Before sitting starting asanas put both hands on the naval rotate the body from the waist clock wise and anticlock wise 5 times each. Then rotate neck in both directions 5 times each. Then start the sitting asanas. Once the sitting asanas are completed, put left hand palm on the naval and then place right hand palm on it and bend forward. Do it 2 times.
  • Next asanas should be done in lying position. 1st lying on the stomach and then next asanas should be dome on back. In between two the Makraasan should be done.
  • Next again the asan should be done in sitting posture.
  • Last shavasan should be done after completing the complete set of asan.
A routine for biginners, the following sequence should be adopted.
  • Body warm up exersise
  • Standing asan viz Tadasan and Trikonasan
  • Sitting warm up exercise should be done
  • Sitting yogasan stretching left leg, then right leg and then both legs (Give name of Asan here)
  • Lying asan on stomach and follow the sequence as given below
    • Viprit Shalbh asan half by left leg then right leg
    • Viprit poorna shalbh asan
    • Bhujang asan
    • Dhanurasan
  • Then Makrasan on left and right legs
  • Turn on back and do following sequence
    • Half shalbhasan on left and then right legs
    • Poorna shalbhasan
    • Bridge asan
    • Chakrasan
    • Halasan
    • Sarwang asan
    • Half pawan mukt asan by left and then roght leg
    • Poorna pawan mukt asan
    • Body rate asan. Keep right foot on left knee. Stretch right hand. Rotate body in right hand direction while use left hand to keep right need pressed to ground on left side. Do the opposite with left knee.
  • Next again sequence to sitting asan as given below
    • Matsya asan on left and then right
    • Go Mukh Asan
    • Parwat asan
    • Vajrasan in sitting posture
    • Vajrasan in lying posture
  • Last Shawasan
Thumb rules
  • Each asan should be done 2 times in the beginning. then increase to 3 to 5 times after practicing
  • Each opposite asan is important and must be done. viz. Viprit shalbh asan must be repeated by Shalbhasan etc.
  • Forward bending should be compensated by back ward bending
  • clock wise should be compensated by anticlockwise
  • It is more beneficial to perform asan in one posture for more time than doing 2 times. The duration in one asan should be increased to get more better result
  • Between asans one should relax to get control on the breath
  • Always inhale when bending back words and exhale when bending forward.
  • Don't do forward bending if back pain exists. It can be done after pain subsides
  • Don't give jerks. Do all postures smoothly
  • Exert as much as you can. Slowly by practice the body will become more flexible and stretchable
  • Don't do neck rotation if survical problem
  • Drink plenty of water in the interwals